What Is The Best VR Headset For Porn?

What Is The Best VR Headset For Porn? 1

There are three main headsets that you can choose from for all of your porn watching needs. They’ve come out as the current winner of the VR generation and all of them work well.

So what’s the best VR headset for porn?

The trick is knowing which one of them is going to work best for you. It’s all going to come down to how much you want to spend and how easily you want it to work.

We’ve compiled information on all three to help you to make your decision. It’s especially important now that VR cam shows are becoming the next big thing.  Also sites Like Stripchat VR are implementing this technology now to bring you great VR experience.  

It’s all based on the most common hardware that porn sites will let you use. Take a look and you’ll be able to buy with confidence.

Oculus Rift For VR

First up is one of the most common headsets out there. The oculus rift can be used on PCs and nothing else. It’s main selling point is as a gaming device for people who like to play on their computers.

It’s extremely powerful and has a huge following. It was actually started as Kickstarter but the company was quickly bought out by FaceBook. The biggest draw is the comfort of the controllers.

They fit right into your hands and can be used just like you would use a keyboard and a mouse.

What Is The Best VR Headset For Porn? 2

If the name Oculus leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth, that’s probably due to its humble beginnings. Things weren’t always so great for it. Development was slow and the original owners were accused of not being able to deliver on their promises.

Those days are long gone now. The resolution is amazing and people swear by them. The price has also recently been taken down a few notches. It’s still an investment, but it can be well worth it for the porn lover who’s also into tech.

Your head movements are tracked with 3d mapping to give you a smooth and lifelike experience.


Next up in tyhe sstakes for the Best VR Headset For Porn is the HTC VIVE. It’s a really beefy headset. This is another one that hooks up to your PC. It plays video at 1600 resolution so you can really get a good look at them titties.

Its claim to fame is the incorporation of Lighthouse room tracking. It’s an ingenious bit of software and hardware that lets you walk around your room while you’re using it.

The headset will track you and make you feel like you’re moving through whatever digital world you happen to be inhabiting.

The problem here is that this kind of technology just isn’t used in VR porn. You don’t walk around the sets like you would a video game. You sit in one place and turn your head back and forth.

That’s it. The VIVE is also the most expensive option here and will seriously set you back. It’s honestly not what you’re looking for. This is for hardcore gamers who occasionally use it for porn.

Most of the features will go unused for you, but your bank account will always feel the sting of getting such a blow to it.

Google Cardboard For Porn

Finally, we come to the Google Cardboard. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a piece of cardboard that you fold into a headset. This one only works with phones.

You set it inside, close the box and hold it up to your head. You can attach a rubber band to keep it in place if you don’t feel like holding it the whole time. It sounds budget friendly and it is.

It’s given away by porn sites most of the time. They’ll ship it to you so you can use their site. It’s honestly not a bad option at all.

The cardboard is surprisingly rugged and will hold up for quite a while. You can enjoy any resolution that your phone can muster. It’s basically just two lenses inside and the app that you download does the rest of the work.

The gyroscope in your phone will let you move your head around to look at what you want to look at. The big drawback is that you have to start the video and place it inside the box before you get started. You can wear headphones but there’s no other real way to control what ‘s going on once it’s on.

The verdict – Best VR Headset For Porn?

so thereforewhen ti comes to the Best VR Headset For Porn, The choice here is totally up to what you want to do with your headset. Forget about the VIVE right away. If you were the intended audience for that, then you wouldn’t have been looking for a review like this in the first place.

If you watch porn on your computer and think you might like to try what else VR has to offer, by all means, go for the Rift. It’s an awesome headset. If you want something dedicated to VR porn, go for the Cardboard. It gets the job done and it won’t cost a thing.

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